Friday, September 18, 2015


For the past few weeks, I have been reminded over and over that Jesus wants us to have ABUNDANT life. My pastors have been preaching about service, about outreach, about spreading the gospel from generation to generation. In my apologetics study group, we have talked about evidence that God is telling the truth and how we can trust Him. And, in all of those diverse subjects,
I thought about this verse:

John 10:10
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly."

Who is the thief? Who is the one who steals and kills and destroys that abundant life?
           Laziness...that won't let us serve. 
           Fear...that cuffs our hands behind our back so we cannot reach out. 
           Distraction...that makes us forget to share the good news with those around us. 
           Doubt...that pushes us away from God because we cannot believe that He is honest, that He is good, that He is in control. 

Is abundant life just an empty promise? I don't feel like I am living an abundant life some days. I feel emptiness and loneliness and longing for something more. But, then I get reminded that I.have.Jesus.

HE is the source of abundant life. And the peace and love and strength He offers is available to me, when I am focused on Him and on what He calls me to. 

This week was full of activity, but unlike my 4 years of college, it carried incredible meaning and power. On Monday night, my husband and I were able to go sort clothes to give away at a ministry site for the poor. On Tuesday, we watched a good friend be baptized and were able to celebrate God's work in her life with friends and family. On Wednesday, I got the chance to meet a large group of seniors from our church; what a blessing! We all sang hymns and ate soup and chatted and listened to a devotional from God's Word. Then, that night, my husband and I went to an apologetics study group to watch a video highlighting the evidence for the Exodus. On Thursday night, I attended a Polish language class so I can better communicate with my in-laws and started making vocab flashcards (my favorite!). 

Whirlwind week, but I am overjoyed by the ways God is filling my empty calendar with satisfying and life-giving moments. When I exile the thieves--when I banish the laziness, fear, distractions, doubt, and compulsions to sin that weaken my faith and my fervor for the kingdom--then I am able to come to Jesus for abundant life. Then I am able to serve and share and open my heart wide to let in the fullness of all He has given. 

I can value my intimate relationships as I should. I can show hospitality and care to the people around me. I can live at peace with God, with others, and with myself because Jesus has made peace...

Colossians 1:19-20
"For it was the Father’s good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him, and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross..."

Because God the Father is pleased for His everything to dwell in Jesus, we are able to have everything through Jesus...everything we could ever need.

[Video: Abundantly, by Avalon]

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